Thursday, July 17, 2008

Que Honda Pibes?! Once again it's time for another one of my fabulous and entertaining entries. Now what do I write so that it will be fabulous and entertaining? Went up to Bear Lake this past weekend and spent a spectacular time with some good ol' friends of mine ( Cody & Melanie, Bryce & Kellee and Susanne). WE HAD A BLAST!!!! I kinda had a suspition that they were just trapping me to have an intervention. My suspitions were confirmed when Cody began to sob and tell me how worried he was about me and how he loved me. It turned out to be just a joke, what a relief! We played a bunch of fun board games and even though I got my trash kicked at every game I still enjoyed it. When we were at the beach Cody and I made some killer sandcastles and then we played some ultimate frisbee. I think that we would have won that game had I not decided to remove a large chunk of skin from my foot! I didn't get any pictures of it (sorry) but Cody and Bryce did. It didn't really hurt as bad as it looked until I put some bandages on it.... then it REALLY hurt! I got over it though cause I'm hardcore! j/k! That next morning I awoke only to realize that I was REALLY REALLY burnt. This past week has been super tough... my back was blistered from my left to my right shoulder and half way down my back! It was super painful. Now it's peeling and it's driving me absolutely LOCO!!!! This semester is coming to an end and I can't believe it! It has gone by so fast it's almost like I haven't even gone to school at all! Now all that's left is to do my 180 hrs. of volunteer time and then it's time to let the money roll on in!!! I hope that this has been both fabulous and entertaining and if it hasn't.... that ain't my problem! C-YA!!!